Below, we gather tributes from some of T’s beloveds. If you would like to submit your own, we welcome you to do so here. We are grateful for your remembrances and stories and glad for a place to hold them for safe-keeping.

Brother, an original song by Catherine Nikundiwe – May 2021; with accompanying memorial video – July 2022

For my Unc, an original song by Izaiah Nikundiwe Buck – July 2022

Margaret’s birthday tributes to her son over the years – May 2014-2022

Our family’s Memorial Booklet of ways to honor Thomas – July 2021

Tribute from the Education for Liberation Network Board – July 2021

Tribute from the Education for Liberation Network Board on the first death anniversary – July 2022

Tribute to Thomas published in Rethinking Schools Magazine, written by the Education for Liberation Network Board – October 2021

Dedication to Thomas published in the 2022-23 edition of Planning to Change the World: A Plan Book for Social Justice Educators

Kudoboard from T’s beloved community for his 45th birthday – May 2020

from Jay Gillen

from Keith Catone

from Dave HellerX

from Anita Wadhwa

from Meredith’s Wedding, 2012

from Gretchen Brion-Meisels

from Susan Wilcox

from Charnell Colvert

An original poem titled, Brother from Another Mother

from Luke Waltzer

Submit your own tribute here. Artwork, audio, and other mediums are welcome if writing isn’t your thing.
