You can find full details for each of the events below, including our suggestions for what to wear and bring.

Here is the schedule of events at a glance:

Indoor Memorial CeremonySat July 16 @ 1:00 pm The Jam Handy
Outdoor Celebration of LifeSat July 16 @ 3:00 – 6:00 pmThe Fields at The Boggs School
Education Justice Study CircleSun July 17 @ 10:00 amOnline
All drawings are by Izaac Nikundiwe

Indoor Memorial

1:00 pm at The Jam Handy

2900 E Grand Blvd, Detroit MI 48202

A more traditional memorial program with talks, performances, and readings.

Things to know:

  • There is no air conditioning. We will open doors for breeze, and we will have water in case you don’t.
  • There is a fenced-in small courtyard area outdoors, accessible from the building, for restless kids to play in and for others who need breaks.
  • Large parking lot behind the building is a short walk through an alleyway into the building. We will post signs to help navigate. You can also park on the street; please just mind the signs. We will reserve spots right out front for those who need physical ease of accessibility.
  • After careful consideration, we will not be live-streaming. We are but mere mortals and don’t want to spend a precious day fussing with technological challenges. We are sorry, but again offer the suggestions included in our memorial booklet; you can be with us in other ways.

Outdoor Celebration

3 – 6 pm at The Boggs School

7600 Goethe Street, Detroit MI 48214

Food, music, sports and games.

Things to know:

  • There is no rain plan, and Nikundiwe-Shalaby events have a 99% probability of rain. Please be prepared to be outside no matter what.
  • There will be tents and chairs and tables to accommodate lots of people, but not enough for everyone!
  • There’s plenty of on-street parking on all sides of the building. (Don’t park in the lot, please, as that is held for food trucks.)
  • Please wear shoes and clothing that you will be comfortable in on grass and uneven fields, in hot and potentially wet weather. More on this at the bottom of this page.

Click HERE to learn about the food we’re serving.

Education Justice Study Circle

Sunday, July 17 from 10 am – around 12 noon

NOTE: This event has been moved online:

For those in T’s community who are engaged with education justice work, please join us via Zoom Sunday morning for a discussion and study circle on the following question posed by Jimmy & Grace: “What can we be that our children can see?” Find the short readings below, and circle up with us virtually to talk, think, build, and connect.

Note: We are sad not to be able to do this in person, and sorry to those of you who arranged your travel to specifically accommodate it. But we are – at the same time – committed to making sacrifices to increase accessibility, safety, and inclusion for the most vulnerable who would like to join us this weekend but cannot.

Facilitated and Organized by Boggs Center Board Members, Co-Sponsored by the Education for Liberation Network

Things to know:

  • I know many will be disappointed to have to pivot to online. But I also know our community, so I know that the disappointment can and will be followed by joy over getting to include people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend any of this weekend’s activities.
  • The spirit of this gathering, at heart, was/is about building connection, community, and relationships. Though nothing can replicate being in circle side by side, the space will still be held with these priorities in mind and we have no doubt that people will feel held and glad to be together.

What to wear:

  • In T’s spirit, we will be wearing any or all of these:
    • Green and White!
    • Michigan State gear. Go Spartans!
    • Free Minds Free People gear
    • Comfy shoes for a long day
    • Whatever the heck we want, like he would have wanted.
  • Dress up or dress down, but know that we will be dressed for a hot summer day outdoors with messy food, potential rain and mud, and sweaty hugs.
  • A mask when we are indoors, please. Let’s protect each other.

What you may want to bring:

  • Water bottle
  • A poncho or raincoat. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
  • Games or sports equipment you and your kids might like to enjoy with others. We will of course provide our own.
  • Hand sanitizer. We will have a hand-washing station and outdoor bathrooms, but we are eating with our hands. Outdoors. During COVID. Enough said.